Sunday, August 28, 2011

Gettin' Serious...

...about blogging. I've been quick at updating Facebook with pictures from orders, but HORRIBLE at the blog! SO, as we are embarking on my officially staying home (I would have been home all summer anyway, and now that school has started and I'm not there, it's really sinking in!!), I'm getting serious about my little business!

Things have been really busy for Stitched during the months of July and August. Lots of back-to-school orders that I have been so thankful for! Now that school is in session and the polo shirts, napmats, and backpack orders have stopped, I'm looking forward to stepping out of the box and finding a new niche in the embroidery world!

In October I'll be setting up a table at the Outdoor Sale in Washington, LA. Clint's Aunt Claudia was very gracious in offering for me to set up some of my stuff along with hers. I'm so excited to see how it goes!

Here's some pics of things I've done over the last month or so.

As always, email me at or find Stitched on Facebook if you ever need anything!